
Books & Publications

Dr. Plaskett has written extensively about topics relating to food and food science, with several published articles and papers. These include a range of newsletters that cover a variety of topics relating to food and supplements.

The Holistic Nutritionist's Guide to Lawful Practice in Canada

This comprehensive guide published by the Canadian Association of Natural Nutritional Practitioners is highly recommended for students and graduates of our nutritional therapy diploma programs. This well-researched book gives details of what holistic nutritionists can and cannot do in a professional practice in each province. For more information or to order your copy, please email us at info@revitalife.ca


Dr. Plaskett has reviewed and recorded the scientific research literature that bears upon the influences of nutrition upon cancer. He distilled the outcomes into a protocol for cancer-sufferers (which became known as the “Plaskett Therapy”) that combines together nutritional measures expected to influence cancer. The results are in his published articles and now this book, The Nutritional Therapy of Cancer.


Most people are able to acknowledge the substantial role that nutrition plays in maintaining our health and know how health is undermined by malnutrition however, the bare facts about nutritional adequacy make up only the tip of a giant iceberg of knowledge that links nutrition with freedom from illness, recovery from illness and attaining a zestful vitality.

The most fundamental underlying principle of Alternative Medicine is that of promoting and supporting the body’s inherent ability to heal itself, to heal from within. That is what Naturopathy seeks to do. It seeks to clear away the obstacles to the body’s ways of self-healing. It also seeks to support and strengthen the forces within the body that are responsible for that healing.

The trouble is that within the modern orthodoxy, the potential role of nutrition is sadly underrated with nutrition is being thought of only as background information, not as serious treatment that may have more potential to treat serious chronic illnesses than modern medicine. To promote nutrition as treatment these days is often derided as a medical heresy, yet the deriding is done without knowledge of the subject and without evidence. In this matter, the medical orthodoxy is guilty of conducting itself non-scientifically. Open-mindedness is a duty of anyone purporting to work scientifically, but that duty is being laid aside in favour of negative bias.

Orthodox nutrition follows suit with orthodox medicine. Orthodox nutrition is concerned with people having enough of this nutrient or that, usually with a bias to keeping the recommendations low, rather than seeing what positive outcomes can be had from luxury nutrition. Usually, they address the question one nutrient at a time, overlooking the fact that the nutrients have to work together in combinations and within a balance within the cells of the body. When testing nutrients against named illnesses, they usually take them one at a time, like asking whether Vitamin C can cure or prevent the common cold. But that is not the way that any well informed naturopathic nutritionist works. They end up doing tests, therefore, under conditions that are inappropriate to the ways in which we practice.


Certificate in NUTRITION & Health

$260 Once-Off Payment

$91 each month for 3 payments

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Diploma in IRIDOLOGY

$950 Once-Off Payment

$475 every 3 months for 2 payments



$1250 Once-Off Payment

$435 every 4 months for 3 payments


Diploma in WEIGHT

$1150 Once-Off Payment

$400 every 3 months for 3 payments


Professional Diploma in
Nutritional Therapy

$3400 Once-Off Payment

$1150 every 4 months for 3 payments


Naturopathic Nutritional Medicine is an immensely powerful tool. It is consistent with and works well alongside modern biochemistry, which studies in detail the metabolism inside the cells. It looks at all the ways in which the nutrients interact with and support metabolic processes. Modern biochemistry makes it clear that the nutrients are all required together, not just as individual items. It addresses the balances between them and their actual availability inside the cells. It addresses the enzyme reactions that they support.

The joy of it all is that all this biochemical evidence is supportive of the working principles of the Naturopaths of the last few centuries, who have worked to support “The Life Force”. What is this “Life Force”? Insofar as it is a subtle force, as yet undetected by Science, it attracts the derision of the sceptics. But one can choose whether or not to regard this as a subtle force. If that does not fall within your belief system, then you can simply look at the energetic flux of chemical change within the cells and equate that with the Life Force.

The fact is that the healthy cell is characterised by an ebullient metabolism, a dynamic system of energetic processes fuelled by ATP (adenosine triphosphate, the “energy currency of the cell). The cell’s ability to manufacture and utilize ATP is determined by the integrity of its enzyme systems and its intracellular structures.

The whole strategy of Naturopathic Nutritional Medicine is aimed at normalizing and activating the cells’ own internal systems. If the cells, and therefore the body, are ailing and sluggish, it aims to return the cellular metabolism to normal, and so restore vitality and health. The orthodox nutritionist is seemingly fumbling and at a loss if asked to take any action towards restoring health. He knows not what to do. His training has certainly not informed him as to what to do unless it is a straightforward nutritional deficiency illness like scurvy or beri-beri. So, in most cases of ill health he or she is powerless.